Importation of CBD|Tokyo Criminal Defense Lawyer

cases cases

Importation of CBD

Case Background

Our client was suspected of attempting to import CBD products into Japan from abroad. He received a “Notice of Customs Clearance Procedure for Postal Matters from Abroad” from a branch of the customs office notifying him that the package addressed to our client included CBD products that may be in contravention of the Cannabis Control Act.

Issues That Arose with the Case and Our Solutions

In the event that the CBD products were examined by the customs office and resulted in being against the Cannabis Control Act of Japan, our client would have either been arrested or called in for questioning. This would have eventually led him to be subjected to a fine or further prosecution.
Immediately after our client retained our firm, we made contact with the customs office on his behalf and explained to them that our client had no intention of importing illegal substances to Japan and that he was willing to forgo the items in question.

Result of the Case

By promptly submitting a declaration document for the abandonment of the items in question to the customs office on our client’s behalf, we were able to finalize the case without our client being referred to another investigating authority such as the police or the prosecutor by the customs office.

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